May 2019“no any": What’s the correct usage? June 2019“on average": What’s the correct usage? "at all costs"/ “at any cost": What’s the correct usage? "people": What’s the correct usage? “a people” & “peoples": What’s the correct usage? July 2019thought & thoughts: What’s the correct usage? “thought” as a countable and an uncountable noun “different from” or “different to” or “different than": What’s the correct usage? August 2019“no different from”: What’s the correct usage? “much or very different from”: What’s the correct usage? September 2019“between 10 and 11” or “between 10 to 11”: What’s the correct usage? “pay (in?/ by?/ with?) cash”: What’s the correct usage? October 2019“Somebody has something on them”: What’s the correct usage? juice or juices?; tea or teas?; coffee or coffees?: What’s the correct usage? accuse of or for something?: What’s the correct usage? “look forward to do” something OR “look forward to doing” something? November 2019“look forward to” OR “look forwards to”?: What’s the correct usage? “key to do” something OR “key to doing” something?: What’s the correct usage? “tell” OR “say”?: What’s the correct usage? December 2019“superior to” OR “superior than”?: What’s the correct usage? “inferior to” OR “inferior than”?: What’s the correct usage? “travel” OR “travels”?: What’s the correct usage? January 2020“a travel” OR “a journey”?: What’s the correct usage? “a trip” OR “travel”?: What’s the correct usage? “historic” OR “historical”?: What’s the difference in usage? “historic” OR “historical”? (Continued): What’s the correct usage? March 2020 |
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